Bell PTSA Dine-Out | Chipotle


Dine-Outs are one of the ways we fundraise throughout the year. We partner with local restaurants who give a percentage of sales to Bell PTSA for the day of the event. It's a great way to come together to support our school and our local restaurants. Please mark your calendars and join us (and encourage your friends and neighbors to join as well). 

Upcoming Dine-Out Events


  • Where: Chipotle Totem Lake - 12530 Totem Lake Blvd

  • When: Tuesday, April 4, 4pm - 8pm 

  • How Does it Work? Place an order with Chipotle on April 4th from 4-8pm. Let them know you're supporting the Bell PTSA dine-out by showing the below digital flyer, or by using code CCD9XN3 when ordering on-line (under promo code). 33% of sales will be donated to Bell PTSA.

    *online orders will only count if placed through the official Chipotle App or on their website


More info: 

Tuesday, April 4, 2023 4:00pm

Upcoming Events
